Dogmatic Teaching on Keepers at Home

Dogmatic Teaching on Keepers at Home


Women have told me that I am dogmatic in my teachings, not in a negative way but in the way that I have a “strong set of principles concerning my faith.” Some disagree with my stance on women being “keepers at home.” They believe I should give many exceptions for this. Let’s take Titus 2:4, 5 where keepers at home is mentioned. Am I supposed to be less dogmatic on my teaching that women should love and obey their husbands? What about loving their children, being sober, discreet, chaste, or good? Should I be less dogmatic on these points and give many exceptions on them, maybe even water them down to make them more palatable? No, because God doesn’t, so why should I?

God commands older women to teach younger women these things because they have walked the paths, fought the battles, and have a wealth of wisdom that the younger women do not have. They are the ones with the experience needed to teach those who married and having children. Up until recently, almost all women were keepers at home. It was their sphere of work and their calling. They kept busy at home. The term “keepers at home” doesn’t mean to just make sure women keep up with their household chores while having a career. No, it is a full-time calling. “Every wise woman builds her HOUSE: but the foolish plucks it down with her hands” (Proverbs 14:1).

I love seeing the Duggar daughters getting married because I know they will begin bearing children and guiding their homes just as God has told them to do. “I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully” (1 Timothy 5:14). They don’t want to give the Devil any occasion to speak reproachfully about them. They become the guardians and workers at home compared to most homes today that stand empty all day long. America was a better place when mothers were home since God’s ways will never be improved upon.

Working women submit to their bosses and make their lives easier and better. Wives at home submit only to their husbands and make their lives easier and better. They keep the home running smoothly so their husbands can safely trust them while they are busy focusing on those things that provide a living for their family. Their wives train and discipline the children. They keep the homes clean and tidy, shop for food and essentials, and many even teach their children at home which is a good thing. They are raising the next generation. What can be more important than this? If you’re not happy being home full time, stop thinking about yourself and instead, spend your time serving your family so you don’t have time for self-pity.

In 1 Timothy 5:10 when Paul spoke about older women, all of their duties were involved in the home. “Well reported of for good works; if she have brought up children, if she have lodged strangers, if she have washed the saints’ feet, if she have relieved the afflicted, if she have diligently followed every good work.” She brought up children. She was there for the children any time they needed her. No one else brought them up. She had people to her home. She was hospitable. She washed the saints feet and relieved the afflicted. She couldn’t have done this if she had a career. Instructions for older women and younger women in the Bible revolved around their homes. Paul could have easily said, “Go out and find a job,” but he didn’t.

Women who are at home are free to do God’s will for them which is to be a keeper at home. For a husband, a well run home is a treasure. They can come home from a long day at work and trust that their wives have kept the home running as smoothly as possible, not having to worry about it. He feels valued by his wife who makes his life easier since she is doing what the Lord has called her to do.

Satan’s goal is to keep women out of the home and he is doing a great job at it. Feminism is a huge reason women have left the home. If you are God’s child, however, and want to be home full time, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33). What God commands, He provides. This nation is far too materialistic. If it takes living simply to stay home, get rid of everything you don’t need. Keep your priorities straight which should be in the home taking good care of your family. The Lord tells us to seek wisdom from Him, so if you don’t see any way for you to be able to come home, pray and ask God for wisdom to make a way.

But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God,
who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

James 1:5

9 thoughts on “Dogmatic Teaching on Keepers at Home

  1. Back in the summer, I asked my preacher why we never hear sermons on Titus 2:5 and the command of women being keepers of the home. I can’t remember his exact words but he basically said something like that was a cultural command for the people Paul was writing to at the time. I disagree whole heartedly with him but didn’t go back and forth with him about it. I know God convicted me to give up my career so I could be at home with my daughter and to be able to serve my family better. His stance is we need women in the work force to be teachers, hairdressers, nurses, caretakers, etc. to fulfill the calling God has placed on their lives. How do you explain to someone who believes they’re called to be a professional by God that He wants them to be a keeper at home and raise their children He has blessed them with?

  2. I’m grateful this is my family’s dynamic. However, it’s difficult when outside family members feel differently. Believes I should have a job outside the home, a college education, a back up plan. Usually I just let them say their piece without agreement or disagreement on my part. I listen quietly and wonder at how they don’t realize they are disrespecting and undermining the decisions made by my husband and myself.

    They would defend their advice comes from a place of love and desire to protect and I understand they are offering their best. It made me very aware of the similarities when a wife does or says things to her husband out of “love” but all the while she is disrespecting her husband’s position of authority.

    Basically the redundancy of this advice from family is nagging and an attempt to assert authority where it is no longer appropriate. They highly suggest that since my husband has a 401K, I should have an IRA or something for myself. I don’t think that my family even believes me sometimes that my opinions and defenses come from me and not my husband, so I hope keeping quiet will protect us both.

    It seems fruitless to disagree because of the backlash, but I wonder if it does more harm to not speak up. I have a mix of scripture in mind (don’t correct a fool) (speak truth in love) and I’m not sure what to act on.

  3. Thanks for standing firm to the Word, Lori. We all need to practice this more because the pressure on us is only getting worse.

    Tagging off Summer’s and ALM’s comments, much of the pressure will be from those that say ‘Lord, Lord’ ….

    “There is a conspiracy of her [the church] prophets … they have devoured souls; …they have made her many widows in the midst thereof. Her priests have violated my law and profaned mine holy things; they have put no difference between the holy and the profane …I am profane among them.” Ezel 22:25-26.

    They willingly blow off the simple and clear instruction of ‘do this and you will know Me’ – because they are busy merchandising people……

    “And many shall follow their pernicious ways … the truth shall be spoken evil of. … they with feigned words make merchandise of you …their damnation slumbereth not.” 2 Pet 2:2-3 The church has consciously been hiding the truth of God, the anger and damnation of God …to MERCHANDISE church goers; to gain power and money.

    They “Cunningly devised fables.” 2 Pet 1:16.

    “But there were false prophets … even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, [yes –reckon with it- God damned liars] even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.” 2 Pet 2:1

  4. I am curious about what in Paul’s culture was so much different than today’s culture? Were not some women involved in commerce back then? Was not the world around them hedonistic and filled with things that a godly mother would want to protect her children from?

    One might argue that the opportunity for a working woman was less back then, but it did exist. “Most of the Roman poor, whether male or female, young or old, earned a living through their own labour.”

    And into this culture where some women indeed worked outside the home, the apostle Paul writes that women are to focus on being “keepers at home.” I can’t see much cultural difference for the Christian home, and I don’t believe God opposes a wife and mother helping to bring in the necessary income by her labor, not meaning she has a career, so long as her first priorities as loving her husband and children and the keeper of the home is well attained according to God’s prescription.

  5. I suggest you talk to them about it, ALM. Ask them if they fear that your husband will leave you some day high and dry, because you have no such fear. Explain that you have found in your life that the more you sell out to do things as God prescribes and obey His Word you find the fulfillment and abundant life that He has promised. Then go on to smile at them and promise them that if indeed something happened where you had to go to work, you would not be a burden on them, if that is there concern. But why go do all that now when none of it is necessary and God tells you otherwise in His Word?

    Get them thinking about these things. Too many Christians have fallen for the world’s ways without clearly thinking it out and matching up with God’s Word. Give them the Word, and ask them if they can believe all of what God tells us to gain all of His wonderful blessings for our lives. There may be a time that your faith is tested and you may have to work a short time or part time, but why not trust God right where you are at now, instead of looking into a future of “what ifs” that most often never come to pass.

  6. Most preachers don’t teach it for fear of the feminist women in their congregation which is most of them since they have been breathing feminist air their entire lives! (Although John MacArthur and Voddie Baucham teach it and both have very large churches.)

    Children need and want their mothers full time. The best book I have read about this is called Home By Choice. Studies have proven that children are more stable, emotionally secure, and able to bond with others more easily all throughout life. It is a full-time job for a mother to teach children all they need to know, run a home, and be a help meet to their husbands.

  7. I was just studying these verses yesterday, Dave, and how many false teachers are teaching “damnable heresies” and making “merchandise” of people, all for power and money. This is why we must be as wise as serpents and innocent as doves. We need to know the Word so we can immediately distinguish truth from error.

  8. I think the biggest change to culture is that now days all have education. In Bible days very few women had education. Now days some women get better grades than men, in some cases there are a lot of women with a higher education than some men. This is something that was not the norm in Bible days as women were treated like second class too men. Now days this is not done in the western world at least; girls at school are given the same chances as the boys and many times out shine the boys.
    Our world has changed so much.

  9. As per usual, I agree with you completely Lori! Well said! 🙂 Also, I love the photo you used of the kitchen for your Title!!! 🙂

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