Home Duties Ought To Fill the Minds and Hearts of Wives

Home Duties Ought To Fill the Minds and Hearts of Wives

“To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.” (Titus 2:5) There’s a lot of argument as to what “keepers at home” is in this day and age. Here’s how the men of old interpreted “keepers at home” to mean:

“Home duties, cares, pleasures, sacrifices of self—these God-appointed duties ought to fill the mind and the heart of the young wife. There should be no desire, no attempt, to go round to the other houses, and so contracting idle, gossiping habits.” (Ellicot’s Commentary) Since women didn’t have careers back then, the same would be said to those who are seeking careers today. Don’t have a desire to leave your homes for the workforce! Home is exactly where God wants you to be.

“Keepers at home: minding their own family affairs, not gadding abroad; and inspecting into, and busying themselves about other people’s matters.” (Gill’s Commentary) It’s easy to busy oneself in other’s matters, especially with social media. Be sure to be fully present with your husband and children. Don’t allow the TV or your cell phone to distract you from your ministry to your family.

“I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.” (1 Timothy 5:14) Here’s how they interpreted what “guide the house” meant:

“Bear children, guide the house – These words signify to ‘exercise and occupy themselves in the duties of a wife.’ It is better to be employed in the duties growing out of the cares of a family, than to lead a life of celibacy.” (Barnes’ Notes) Many these days celebrate the single life and believe it’s a gift. It’s only a gift to those who don’t burn (don’t have a desire nor need for sex) and want to solely live a life dedicated to Jesus Christ like the Apostle Paul. Marriage is good and created by God. It wasn’t good for man to be alone. Being married and busy at home with one’s husband, children, and home are God’s perfect will for you.

“Bear children, and not only bring forth children, but take care of their education; guide the house, and take care of the government of families within doors (which is the woman’s proper province).” (Matthew Poole’s Commentary) Matthew Poole saw this verse as exhorting mothers to be the ones to take care of the education of their children. I agree with him! How were so many of us misled to believe that it’s okay for strangers to teach our children their entire childhoods in a place where God and His will are not mentioned?

“Bear children; and bring them forth, and feed, and nourish them, and bring them up in a religious way: guide the house; manage domestic affairs, direct, order, or do what is proper to be done for the good of the family; which is much more commendable than to throw themselves upon the church, and live an idle and wanton life, and after that marry.” (Gill’s Exposition) This is a full-time job, women. Your work at home and for your family are storing your treasures in heaven. Learn to be busy and joyful at home!

They all knew without a doubt that a woman’s role is to marry, bear children, and be keepers at home. God created women for this role from the beginning of time, and it is good. Our nation was a much better place when women fulfilled this role at home with their children.

He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the LORD.
Psalm 113:9

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