How Will They Know Truth If No One Tells Them?

How Will They Know Truth If No One Tells Them?

A few weeks ago, a young man told me his girlfriend was going to have a baby. I told him the importance of marriage and how that baby NEEDS his mother and father to be married and living under the same roof. I reminded him that he had this and what security it bought him. The young man seemed a bit uncomfortable.

I told his dad the next day what I had told his son and said I hope I didn’t offend him. His dad told me they never talked to their son about it.

The dad just came over the other day while I was sitting in the front yard watching my grandchildren and told me that he had great news for me. His son proposed last night, and they’re thrilled. His wife cried.

Speaking truth to people is never easy, but it’s good and it’s what God asks us to do. Young people aren’t being taught truth anymore. All they hear are lies from the media, the politicians, and from the public schools and universities. They are taught to have sex freely, and that marriage is bondage. We live in a highly sexualized culture which has caused fornication and pornography use to explode. Most no longer have any idea what the ways of the Lord are.

They are taught they can be any gender they want to be. They are taught that fornication is freedom. They are taught that unborn babies are disposable. They are taught birth control pills are great and cause no harm. They are taught they came from monkeys and that there’s no meaning to life. They are taught to drink and party since this life is all that there is. They are only taught lies!

Teach your sons to be thankful that they were created male by God Almighty. Never interfere with your husband teaching and training them to be masculine men. Teach your daughters that the God who loves them created them to be female. Teach and train them to grow up and become a godly, feminine women who loves God’s will for them. Teach them the beauty of sex within marriage, and the danger that fornication is to them. Remind them that Satan prowls the earth and his will is to kill, steal, and destroy. God’s will is to give them an abundant life.

Teach them the sacredness of ALL life, even the unborn. God wove them together in your womb, as He does all babies. Teach them that abortion is murder which God abhors. Teach them the dangers of birth control pills, and how they cause infertility and abortion. They cause death! They steal the health of many women too. It was never God’s plan to prevent having babies. Remind them that having babies is only to be within marriage between a man and his wife.

Mothers, you must teach your children all of these things diligently. They won’t hear them from society and even in most churches. It’s your responsibility to train and teach your children in the beautiful ways of the Lord. Live out His will in your own life. Let them see Jesus in you and want what you have. Praise His name continually, and be joyful. A complaining, sour mother will never win her children to the Lord and His ways. Rejoice in the Lord always; for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
Deuteronomy 6:6,7

5 thoughts on “How Will They Know Truth If No One Tells Them?

  1. I really wish I could teach my parents truth.
    But maybe it’s not working because it is a reversal of what God calls for, that parents are to raise children, and not children raising parents.
    But I have been praying that someone can reach them. They really need to know at the very least, that God loves them, to turn to Him.

  2. Amen! Thanks for writing and speaking the truth- what a wonderful reminder. I only wish I would’ve had godly parents who shared these truths with me as a child, rather than the lies of our culture, but I’m thankful that the Lord was gracious and kind to me. He saved me about two years ago, and has blessed me with a righteous, godly husband, and two beautiful, healthy sons. I was just thinking about all this earlier… what more could a woman ask for?!

    Lori, you and Ken, and your ministry, have been a blessing to me and my family these last few years- thank you! Keep fighting the good fight!

  3. I am praying for all three of them, especially for health and unity! They still need a lot of help and counseling, the enemy will keep attacking them even more after this godly decision.

    My friend got married after getting pregnant and later they, unfortunately, lost the baby in the 7th month of pregnancy. They initiated the divorce a couple of weeks afterwards. He had some guilt that he did not have a good work situation nor helped in the house, while she was the main provider. But she was the one that initiated it and was encouraged to do so.

  4. The root of the problem wasn’t the young couple it was the parents who raised them. The young mans father never spoke about marriage? The mother cried (out of surprise?) Parents aren’t investing morals into children.

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