Satanic Feminism Inverts the Order

Satanic Feminism Inverts the Order

“Satanic feminism inverts the order. Fallen women crave power. Fallen women lead the charge. Fallen women flaunt their beauty. Fallen women dominate the men.” (Four Features of a Godly Woman by Anthony Wood) Biblical womanhood brings back God’s order.

Godly women don’t crave power. They don’t want to rule their husbands. They don’t want to be CEOs, political leaders, or even the president. They know that God’s created order was for men to be the ones in leadership. They don’t want to be Pastors nor Elders in the churches. They don’t need to get their own way. They don’t need attention. They know who they are in Christ. They know His ways are perfect. They love His ways. They want to obey Him in everything, since He alone is the one with absolute power.

Godly women don’t lead the charge. They don’t want to be in charge of their marriage. They don’t want to be in charge of anyone else except for the children the Lord blesses with and their homes. They understand that this is the role the Lord has given to them, and they are thankful. They love being keepers at home, and they work hard in their homes. They understand that the work they do in being help meets to their husbands, mothers to their children, and keepers at home are all storing beautiful treasures in heaven. They live with the end in mind. Eternity is always in their vision. They want Christ to be in charge of their lives and allow their husbands to lead the charge as commanded by God.

Godly women don’t flaunt their beauty. They pursue meek and quiet spirits instead. They dress and act modestly. They know that true adorning and beauty comes from the inside, so they work more on this rather than on their outward beauty. They want to be known for their kindness, gentleness, and goodness instead of on how they look. The want to dress and act in a way that pleases their Savior.

Godly women don’t dominate men. They don’t want to dominate their husbands nor any other men in their lives. They won’t use manipulation nor emotional outbursts in order to get their way. They live in submission to their husbands. They also live in submission to the elders in their churches. They respect the contribution that men have made in their lives. They appreciate them. They don’t give into the feminist agenda of fighting for “equality” which actually means women want to be superior. They know this isn’t God’s will for women, since women are the weaker vessel and more easily deceived. They accept God’s perfect will for them instead.

Live with the end in mind, women. The time that you invest into your husband, children, and home have eternal value. Learn contentment in these ministries that the Lord has given to you.

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
Colossians 3:1-3

6 thoughts on “Satanic Feminism Inverts the Order

  1. Amen and AMEN!!! I’m printing this out and pasting it in my journal as a beautiful reminder to stay the course! It’s hard to keep your head down and hands to the plow but that’s what I want Jesus finding me doing when He returns!
    Lori, you are such a blessing and are so faithful to God’s precious Holy Word. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  2. Godly women don’t crave power.

    Just to be clear, godly men don’t crave power, either. A godly man ACCEPTS the power that God gives him over that for which God has made him responsible: mainly, his wife, his children, and his household. He also prays constantly that God lead him and give him the wisdom and strength to lead lovingly and according to God’s word, especially when difficult times and circumstances threaten the wellbeing of all he holds dear. The godly man isn’t the least bit interested in power for its own sake. He realizes clearly that this is not only an undesirable burden, but a lust created by the enemy that is used by godless men (and, sadly and increasingly, godless women) to destroy all that which is godly and holy. The only power a godly man wants is the power with which God wants to enable him in order to glorify the Kingdom. Any power God gives him that applies to someone or something outside of his own household is power that he accepts only after much fervent prayer that it is God’s will that he do so, and then while praying that God give him the wisdom to exercise this power in accordance with God’s laws and that he be held accountable for doing so.

  3. This is very well put and true. Feminism has grown into a massive juggernaut now that the only way it will end is when it finally manifests itself as a Matriarchy, but the conundrum is that a Matriarchy is the exact opposite of “equality” which is in fact female supremacy.

    The reality now is that a Matriarchy will come about because of the dire and terrible emasculation of the white male. Boys don’t care about education and drop out at school while girls work their socks off and then get higher education. A critical mass has been reached where the only suitable candidates are women thus women increasing their numbers in senior jobs and government.

    I am hoping that Godly women see what is happening, I would rather see Godly women in power than the horrible power crazed feminists who plotted it all along.

    The Matriarchy won’t last long because the jihadist will never accept female rule under any circumstances.

    All that can be done at this late stage is to let the feminist movement burn itself out and crash when it collides with jihad, and it will be a big crash too.

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