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Category: Marriage

Yippee! A Sexual Counterrevolution is Coming!

Yippee! A Sexual Counterrevolution is Coming!

In The Spectator, there is an article called “The Sexual Counterrevolution is Coming.” All of us who love the Lord and His ways will be happy to hear this. The sexual revolution has been devastating upon our nation, and anyone with common sense left can see this reality. “Narayan and his close male friends are all around the same age. They’re all elite guys working in tech and finance — and all either dating to marry, or already married. In…

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Do Wives Complete Their Husbands?

Do Wives Complete Their Husbands?

Many Christians who love God and His Word believe that complementarism is a good way to define marriage compared to egalitarianism where men and women are “equal.” I don’t agree. I don’t like the term complementarism, and I don’t believe its biblical. The definition of complement: “Something that completes or makes perfect; either of two parts or things needed to complete the whole; counterparts.” Was Eve created to complete Adam? Do wives complete their husbands? No, or this would mean…

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Men No Longer Want to Marry

Men No Longer Want to Marry

Evie published an article named “Millions of Men No Longer Get Married, and You Can Thank the Government For That.” No, you can thank feminism and its fight for “equal rights” for that. The government just obeyed what women wanted. Feminism is satanic, and the opposite of God’s will for women. “Marriage is on the decline, and it’s a scary thought. Imagine dating a man for years, cohabitating, and giving the relationship your all without him ever having to ‘put…

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Forgiveness is the Glue that Holds Marriages Together

Forgiveness is the Glue that Holds Marriages Together

Marriage isn’t easy. We’re all married to imperfect people. Our spouse is married to an imperfect person. None of us will be perfect until we receive our glorified bodies after we die. I know a woman who has had a difficult marriage. She told me that she endures by simply pouring grace and forgiveness upon him. He’s changing. When a husband is faced with a loving and forgiving wife who is filled with grace towards him, it’s hard for him…

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Adorn Yourself With Submission

Adorn Yourself With Submission

Women these days adorn themselves with many things. They adorn themselves with the latest fashions, makeup, laser and Botox treatments, jewelry, and hair styles. Do you know what God wants us to adorn ourselves with? “But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time the holy…

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Can Men Meet Their Wives’ Emotional and Mental Needs?

Can Men Meet Their Wives’ Emotional and Mental Needs?

Some women have informed me that their husbands are to meet their emotional and mental needs, BUT for some reason, women aren’t supposed to meet their husbands’ sexual needs, unless sex is dictated by how they believe sex should be and when they’re in the mood. Yes, women, this is how many women think these days. Instead of living sacrificial lives, they decide on how their husbands are to love and treat them. This is NOT love. I wrote the…

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Never Becoming Grandparents

Never Becoming Grandparents

Many of my friends my age are still not grandparents. Their daughters went along with the feminist’s agenda of seeking higher education and careers. Now, those children are enjoying the material wealth and their lives so much that they don’t want to marry and/or have children. It’s epidemic, sadly. When they finally want to marry and/or have children, it may be too late. In an article called Thirty, Flirty, and (Not) Thriving, the author wrote about this situation. “Like Jenna…

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Discouraged About Meeting a Good Man

Discouraged About Meeting a Good Man

Written By Darryl McIntyre The following is a message I wrote 15 years ago to encourage a Christian lady who was going through a severe burnout, which was complicated by a series of failed relationships. I have concealed her identity. She was an attractive lady and highly successful, but said that her life felt empty. She was eager to meet Mr. Right and start a family. Now in her late thirties, she was discouraged about her prospects of meeting a…

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Becoming Attractive to Your Husband

Becoming Attractive to Your Husband

John Michael Clark wrote a list for men on these issues, so I decided to write a list similar for women. A few tips on building attraction with your husband: 1. Pay attention to what makes him moody. 2. Don’t get upset when he shuts you down. 3. Publicly embarrass him with compliments. 4. Look up and smile at him when he enters the room. 5. Make his life more restful by not arguing with him and needing to have…

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Why is Our Culture Falling Into Chaos?

Why is Our Culture Falling Into Chaos?

In 1996, Pastor John MacArthur preached a number of sermons called The Fulfilled Family. I quoted one in a post a few days ago. The first sermon in the series is called “A Plan For Your Family.” Feminism’s goal was to destroy the family, and they have been successful at doing this. When the family is destroyed, the nation is destroyed. We can’t expect to wander far from God’s design for us and have anything good come from it. Here’s…

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