Laine on The Proverbs 31 Woman – Part Three

“She extends her hand to the poor, Yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy.” (verse 20)
She has worked hard to fill her hands as we have seen in the previous verses, but she does not now close them tightly to those around her in need. In fact, both of them are open! She is generous as she knows her Heavenly Father is generous and loves the poor. He is her all. He will uphold her and lead her in paths of righteousness for His name sake. She recognizes He allows certain people, events, and troubles into her life that she might be in continual communion with Him as how to handle what comes up. She looks to His pierced Hand for direction. He points to those she is to help. She can touch Him with a “fingertip of faith” and moves at His bidding. He has been gracious to her, and she is gracious to others with His gifts.
“She is not afraid of snow for her household, For all her household is clothed with scarlet.” (verse 21)
She is in charge of the family’s clothing. She goes for quality and durability. Scarlet signified good strong clothing. She is prepared ahead of time for the seasons. Snow season requires the most planning. The snow does not catch her unaware as she has been preparing for it in the summer. “The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their food in the summer” (Proverbs 30:24). She, like the ant, takes one job at a time carrying a little here and there until she has built up a wardrobe for her family that will carry them through the harsh winter. She is busy while the harvest is plentiful and is wisely taking advantage of it. The ant is called exceedingly wise because he plans for the future little by little. She also is wise by foreseeing the cold winter ahead and planning in advance for it. She is not a procrastinator in any way.
“She makes tapestry for herself; Her clothing is fine linen and purple.” (verse 22)
She wants her home to be beautiful as well as functional. She makes beautiful coverlets for her bed and couches. Her home is cozy and comfortable. It is not a show place but a home and a haven for her family. She dresses fine with the quality linen that she has made. She is a crown to her husband and dresses as his queen. She doesn’t go into debt to dress beautiful; she asks God to show her the way. She asks that she might dress in honor to Him. Just as her home is not a show place, so her body is not a show place. She starts from the inside of her temple early in the morning (behind the veil in the presence of the Holy One); then she fixes the outside of her temple (her body); then she moves into the outer courtyard and begins to work there (her home). She rights her heart with God at His Throne early in the morning, dresses for the day (depending on what she must do), then begins to work on her home. How she begs Him to captivate her every thought, to see others the way He sees them and to serve Him with such complete and abandoned joy. She can hardly grasp His great love, wisdom, grace, and loves how He answers prayer.
“Her husband is known in the gates, When he sits among the elders of the land.” (verse 23)
There he sits in one of the most prominent places in the city, in the gates among the elders. There he sits in the middle of all her beautiful work crowned and adorned by it all. He is “known” in this chapter by her beautiful influence in their home. She is the wind beneath his wings. She helps him to make wise decisions. She does not always agree with hi, but recognizes he is her head as spoken of in 1 Corinthians 11:1-12. If she disagrees with him and is upset by his actions or words, she quickly goes to her Father. He can do anything and set anything right. She waits and trusts His response. In the meantime, she does her best to bring praise to her husband, even in the midst of difficulty. Perhaps he is not obedient to His Word. As written in 1 Peter 3:1-2, she is submissive to her husband without a word from her, winning him to The Word as she lives it before him with her chaste conduct accompanied by fear of doing anything that might disgrace her LORD.
“She makes linen garments and sells them, And supplies sashes for the merchants.” (verse 24)
As shown before in previous verses, she works at home and sells her merchandise. She is an enterprising woman and has learned how to generate an income from her home. She is busy doing, rather than busy just talking about it.
“Strength and honor are her clothing; She shall rejoice in time to come.” (verse 25)
“I love you, LORD, my strength” (Psalm 18:1). This is where her strength comes from. Her LORD clothes her with it from on High. The LORD promises her that she will rejoice in time to come. And so she will! She stands on His Word. She will not be moved.
“She opens her mouth with wisdom, And on her tongue is the law of kindness.” (verse 26)
People are drawn to her by her love. She does not gossip, slander, nor criticize. She has meditated on God’s Word, and it flows from her lips. She can’t possibly tell all that she has learned. She gives what is necessary at the time knowing the LORD can meet needs and desires. Therefore, she prays before she speak, and she prays while she listens. She is His Bondslave and asks Him for wisdom which He gives so generously and without finding fault. Likewise, she dispenses the wisdom He has taught her, spoken gently with kindness. She is a willing teacher of women as spoken of in Titus 2:3-4. She asks that He might let her see others as He sees them and to respond to them as He responds. Her tongue is governed by His law of kindness and gentleness. As a “gentle and quiet woman is precious in His sight” (1 Peter 3:4).
“She watches over the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness. (verse 27)
She watches over her household with her daily prayers. Daily she brings those she lives with before the throne of God. How she prays that she might raise “Warriors for Christ” and “Wives of Warriors for Christ.” She is not idle in front of the TV or reading novels. She is busy building up her home with her prayers and faithful service with and for Christ. She catches things before they get out of hand. She is alert to the needs of those around her. God keeps her eyes and ears open with her hands ready to move at His Insistence.
“Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her: ‘Many daughters have done well, But you excel them all.’ ” (verses 28-29)
Her children are one day going to realize just who they had as a mom. Thus the reason “she shall rejoice in time to come.” One day they will honor her. Perhaps when they have their own children and realize anew all she did (and made look so easy) that made their house into a home. They will long to go back there and take their kids there to the warmth of her presence. Her husband will praise her as well. He knows he’s got the best in womanhood. She is not replaceable! She goes miles on his compliments.
“Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised. Give her the fruit of her hands, And let her own works praise her in the gates.” (verses 30-31)
She adorns herself with submission to her husband and her beautiful LORD. She is not grasping for external beauty as the world around her is. She wants to be beautiful to her LORD as exemplified in 1 Peter 3:1-6. She is a daughter of Sarah and does her husband good in the gates in front of all the people. He shines by the work of her willing hands. If her husband does not praise her, the LORD says she will be praised. So she will! God will see to it for her. Because she is part of the Bride of Christ and one day will reign with Him. Her love for Him results in beautiful works done in truth and honor to His Name. The fear she has is a fear of doing anything to hurt God. Thus the reason for her clinging so tightly to Him in the early morning hours before she starts her day. Her heart beats to love Him more and to love those He has given her to love. This is one awesome woman of God who affects many by her devotion to Christ!
We have studied the “homemaking quilt” together and it is beautiful. Pieced together with extraordinary skill, patience, and design that honors and glorifies the One who provided all the material and the skill to put it together. May we do likewise in our own homes. May we do likewise. I have enjoyed sharing with you all that the LORD has taught me thus far. The LORD bless you as you share with other young women the beautiful “pattern” of God’s Woman.
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