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Category: Conviction

Smart Phone Addiction Has Taken Over Relationships

Smart Phone Addiction Has Taken Over Relationships

When I was raising my children, I didn’t know anyone who homeschooled but in junior high, I decided to homeschool my sons. I didn’t like what I was seeing going on in the public junior and senior high schools. We found a small, private, Christian school that we eventually sent all of our children to high school for one to four years. The Headmaster was a godly man who wanted Christ to be glorified in this school. When we attended…

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Women Aren’t Meant to Stay Quiet?

Women Aren’t Meant to Stay Quiet?

We were on our way home the other day and a song by Francesca Battistelli came on the radio called “He Knows My Name.” We definitely balked at some of the words. “I’m not meant to just stay quiet. I’m meant to be a lion. I’ll roar beyond a song…” Granted, there are some great lyrics in this song but these lyrics are just not biblical. In fact, they are unbiblical. God commands women to have meek and quiet spirits…

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The Long-Term Consequences of the Modern Woman

The Long-Term Consequences of the Modern Woman

A man named Simon wrote to me and asked me the following questions: “What are the long-term consequences of the modern woman in regards to society?” We are already seeing the long-term consequences of the modern woman and all that we see is destruction. Divorce has sky-rocketed. Children are devastated. Women have their babies slaughtered in their wombs which contributes to our culture of death. Children aren’t being raised by their mothers but by strangers instead in day care and…

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Asking Foolish Questions

Asking Foolish Questions

“Hi Lori – this is my first time visiting your blog. It is very interesting. I am wondering what you think about women who choose to live chaste lives in service to God (e.g. nuns). According to the person you quoted above, the ability to have children is what makes women special. I wonder then, is the work of a nun of any value? Is she also special? Is she still considered a woman even though she doesn’t procreate? Thank…

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Can Imperfect Teachers Teach God’s Truth?

Can Imperfect Teachers Teach God’s Truth?

Recently, a woman wrote the following comment on my Facebook page. I read it to my husband, Ken, and he immediately began telling me how I should respond. He had a lot to say so I asked him to make a blog post about it so he did. “Is there a reason you only have four children, transformed wife? If I’m correct based on what I’ve believed to have seen on your page, you only have four, right? If there…

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This World is Like a Putrefying Carcass

This World is Like a Putrefying Carcass

John MacArthur went against the ungodly mandate that churches weren’t allowed to meet in California yet riots, protests, liquor stores, and abortion clinics were allowed. He spoke about this last Sunday. I listened to his sermon. It was excellent. I will share some of the points that stood out to me. He began his sermon by explaining unbelievers: dead in trespasses and sin, live in futility of mind, love darkness and hate the light, hostile to God, preaching of cross…

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God’s Word Trumps Government Mandates

God’s Word Trumps Government Mandates

John MacArthur issued a statement about the government forbidding churches to meet: “Grace Community Church has always stood immovably on those biblical principles. As His people, we are subject to His will and commands as revealed in Scripture. Therefore, we cannot and will not acquiesce to a government-imposed moratorium on our weekly congregational worship or other regular corporate gatherings. Compliance would be disobedience to our Lord’s clear commands.” When almost everything was closed down, he agreed with the government mandate…

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Sowing Seeds of Destruction Won’t Create Peaceful Societies

Sowing Seeds of Destruction Won’t Create Peaceful Societies

“You can’t grow a peaceful society by sowing seeds of destruction. Neither can you defeat the Hitlers of the world by becoming like them. That’s why Christianity will survive all the empires and dictators that line up against it. The followers of evil will ultimately reap the seed of hate and destruction they’ve sown. Our seed is love, truth, and goodness. These are things upon which the kingdom of God is built.” This comment is in a series I am…

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Where’s Justice for the Unborn?

Where’s Justice for the Unborn?

The other day, we were at a stoplight and there were protesters holding up signs shouting at the cars as they passed by. My husband yelled to them, “What about justice for the unborn babies?” A few of them looked at him, then looked away. A man who looked to be the leader of the group yelled back, “How many babies have you adopted, and what about those children in cages?” as if we aren’t allowed to take a stand…

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No Childhood Milestones Without Celebrating Holidays

No Childhood Milestones Without Celebrating Holidays

Recently, I talked with a young man. He was raised in a godly family. His family never celebrated any holidays and did very little for the birthdays. His parents thought holidays had become too secularized. He wants different for his family. His childhood blurs together since there were no special times to remember. There were no milestones to fondly look back on. One of my daughters was telling me of all the milestones she remembers from her childhood. She remembers…

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