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Category: Marriage

What Kind of Man Should She Look for in a Future Husband?

What Kind of Man Should She Look for in a Future Husband?

“Hi Mrs. Alexander! I love the message you’re spreading! I’m a girl in college whose ultimate life goal is to become a godly wife, mother, and a keeper at home. What qualities do you suggest I look for in a husband to ensure a long and happy marriage? Thanks!” I taught my daughters to look for a man who loved the Lord deeply and was a hard worker. I asked the women in the chat room how they would respond…

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How to Be a Kind, Tenderhearted, and Forgiving Wife

How to Be a Kind, Tenderhearted, and Forgiving Wife

Written by Ken and me Jesus taught a parable in Mathew 18 of a king who called to reckon his servant who owed him an enormous debt of perhaps up to a million dollars in today’s currency. The king commanded him, his wife, children, and everything he had to be sold. The servant threw himself at the feet of his lord and pled for patience and mercy and the king heard his cries, was moved with compassion, and forgave him…

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Recipe to Heal an Unhappy and Crumbling Marriage

Recipe to Heal an Unhappy and Crumbling Marriage

“Mother Dearest” comments once in a while on my blog. I don’t know who she is but she is a wise woman! Here is another comment of hers that deserved a post of its own. It’s a lesson on building up your home instead of tearing it down. It’s the secret to having a good marriage. Lori, my mother told my sisters and me about a wife who married and moved to a village where all marriages were happy but…

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Called to Suffer

Called to Suffer

Many women don’t want to hear about having to suffer in a marriage. No, they believe no woman should suffer and if she’s suffering, she needs to get out of the marriage and divorce, but this isn’t scriptural. Yes, if she’s being physically abused, she needs to seek a safe place, but there’s all types of suffering other than this. God has called us to suffer; for this is not our home. Suffering causes us to keep our eyes on…

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How Do Wives Win Husbands Who are Believers?

How Do Wives Win Husbands Who are Believers?

“Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear” (1 Peter 3:1, 2) Are these verses only for women who are married to unbelievers? Many believe this to be so, but I do not. Even Christian men can disobey the Word of God! The Apostle Paul could have easily…

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Let’s Stop Exalting Singleness

Let’s Stop Exalting Singleness

Written by My Husband, Ken, and Me Many want to build their opinions about marriage on this verse: “For I would that all men were even as I myself” and “I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I” (1 Corinthians 7:7, 8). The Apostle Paul is saying that he wishes all could remain single as he is so they can preach the Gospel, BUT right before this verse, he…

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Why are So Many Women Not Getting Married?

Why are So Many Women Not Getting Married?

Marriage is becoming less and less popular. Many women are grieving the fact that they never married in their 20s, because they put it off for higher education and careers. They thought they would get married in their 30s and begin having children, but it’s not happening. In pondering this, I am coming to some conclusions of my own why this is happening. When I went to college beginning in 1976, going to college wasn’t that big of a deal….

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The Great Cost of Fornication and the Beauty of Virginity

The Great Cost of Fornication and the Beauty of Virginity

Virginity isn’t popular in our culture, no, not even among Christians. Contrary to popular opinion, God takes it seriously and warns us strongly against the sin of fornication (sex outside of marriage consisting of a husband and his wife). Remember, He destroyed two cities due to fornication. Then in Revelation, we are told about the “great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication” (Revelation 19:2). Fornication corrupts. All of His commands to us are for our good; they…

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He Won’t Take Out the Trash!

He Won’t Take Out the Trash!

“I’m from the South and it’s almost as if women are trained to henpeck their husbands. I was taught this by my mother, grandmother, and aunt, by example. I don’t know why this happens because it not only makes the men feel depressed, it also depresses the women. I try not to do that; however, I don’t know how to get things across without henpecking. For example, my husband will never take out the trash unless I ask him. And…

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Why is Overeating Off Limits in a Wife’s Submission to Her Husband?

Why is Overeating Off Limits in a Wife’s Submission to Her Husband?

How would you respond if your husband one day looked at you and said, “You’re eating too much. You need to lose weight” Most women would be highly offended and angry with their husbands. Some would even tell him that it’s none of their business and they shouldn’t ask them to do this. Then they would go to their friends and tell them how unreasonable their husbands are. Is this the godly wife’s response? No. A godly wife would tell…

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