Why Does Disobeying Our Husband Blaspheme the Word of God?

Why Does Disobeying Our Husband Blaspheme the Word of God?

We are told in Titus 2:5 to be obedient to our husband so the Word of God be not blasphemed. Why is this the case? How can disobeying our husbands blaspheme (speak evil of) the Word of God? Again, I go to the old-time commentaries that actually understood that wives were commanded to OBEY their husbands and didn’t try to water it down at all.

“The duty of wives is, submission to their husbands in the Lord, which includes honoring and obeying them, from a principle of love to them.” When you live in submission to your husband, you are loving him and showing the world what it looks like for the Church to live in submission to Christ. When you live in disobedience to your husband, you are not loving him and you are showing the world that that the Church does not live in submission to Christ, thus blaspheming the Word of God as if the Lord doesn’t give us the power through the Holy Spirit to do what He asks us to do. It shows a very weak Church indeed.

“Her head, being wholly dependent upon him, and entirely resigned to him, and receiving all from him; from whom alone is all her expectation of provision, protection, comfort, and happiness; wherefore she has respect to all his commands, and esteems all his precepts concerning all things to be right; and yields a cheerful, voluntary, sincere, and hearty obedience to them; arising from a principle of love to him, and joined with honor, fear, and reverence of him: so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything: political, domestic, and ecclesiastic; that is consistent with the laws of God, and the Gospel of Christ.”

Did you see that obeying him in everything includes “political”? This does NOT go over well in today’s culture. Voting is a sacred right even among many Christian women. Obeying our husband even means voting the way he votes since he is our leader. No, voting is not a sacred right given by the Lord. It was a right given because feminists fought for it. They didn’t trust men to make the right decisions. They thought they would make better leaders than men. This blasphemes the Word of God because God created men first and made them as the leaders of nations, churches, and families. Chaos usually prevails when women take over leadership positions which speaks evil of the Word of God by destroying the churches and causing them to be lukewarm. Not always, as in the singular case of Judge Deborah and a few other women who have ruled with wisdom, but God created men with their emotional stability to be the rulers and leaders.

“Sarah was one of the most distinguished of the wives of the patriarchs, and her case is referred to as furnishing one of the best illustrations of the duty to which the apostle refers. Nothing is said, in the brief records of her life, of any passion for outward adorning; much is said of her kindness to her husband, and her respect for him.” Are you known for your kindness and respect towards your husband? Do your children and others see you treating your husband this way? If you are unkind and disrespectful to your husband, you are showing that believers are no different than unbelievers. The same God that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside of you. His Spirit can surely change you if you remind yourself who you are in Christ and step out in faith by loving and respecting your husband.

That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.
Philemon 1:6

“Going along with him wherever he went, as from Chaldea to Canaan, and into Egypt, and the land of the Philistines.” Many women refuse to follow their husbands where they want to go for a new job. They refuse and thus the husband has to stay put to be with his family. This blasphemes God’s Word because the wife is to follow the husband wherever he goes as Sara followed Abraham since God made the husband the head over the wife as Christ is head over the Church. When others see Christian wives unwilling to follow their husbands, they see a powerless Gospel that produces bad fruit: resentment in the husbands towards their wives for not allowing them to lead.

“St. Peter singles out Sarah, as the mother of the chosen people. She obeyed her husband habitually.” Do you obey your husband habitually? Do you do everything he asks of you to do when he asks you to do it? If so, you adorn the Gospel of Christ not only to your husband and children but to all who see. If you do not, you blaspheme His Word and speak evil of Him for when you disobey your husband because you are ultimately disobeying the Lord.

Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ,
so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

Ephesians 5:24

59 thoughts on “Why Does Disobeying Our Husband Blaspheme the Word of God?

  1. I showed this to my husband and he laughed out loud and said he would never tell me how to vote or expect me to vote how he does. We both educate ourselves each election cycle and he votes as wisely as he can and I do the same for myself. Sometimes we vote for different people. Sometimes we disagree, but that’s okay since we recognize that each of us are two different people with different views and thoughts on some issues. After we leave the voting both we laugh it off, since no one in the government is really for us poor folks anyway no matter how you vote, and move on with our lives. Our unity is in Jesus and is found in loving and serving each other as brother & sister/husband wife in Christ, both of us brought under His leadership, not in me or my husband becoming like the other in all thoughts and opinions.

  2. You describe a normal, watered-down definition of Christian marriage, Bethadilly, which unfortunately, many follow but this isn’t the marriage described in the Word of God.

    Would you be okay to follow your husband’s lead and vote as he did? This is what wives are called to do – follow their husband’s lead. We are told that we are Sarah’s daughters, if we obey our husband without any fear since we know that when we obey our husbands, we are obeying God. (1 Peter 3:6)

  3. For me, it let me know that God was serious about a husband being the leader of the home and that I am to submit to him in ALL things, even when I disagree. I once asked a preacher about this, since my husband isn’t a believer, what do I do about spiritual things? I was told that since he wasn’t a believer and I was, that I was to take the leadership role in spiritual matters with our son. This never set well with me, it just didn’t FEEL right. One day I was reading my Bible and read

    Ephesians 5:24
    Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

    It dawned on me that God doesn’t say IF he’s a believer, I submit, God says submit. It also says in EVERY THING, so when I read this, I realized that the reason it never set well with me is because God tells me to submit in all things. So, this year at election time, I asked my husband who he thought I should vote for. He told me it was my decision. So, I asked who he would vote for and cast my ballot. I’ve also come to find that most times, when I disagree with my husband about something, it is because I am emotional about it and he’s not, so he can see it clearer. I wish I could tell you how many times God has shown me that.

  4. Amen! In fact, in 1 Peter 3:1, we are told that wives who are married to husbands who are disobedient to the Word win their husbands without a word by being in subjection (submission) to them. God’s ways are completely backwards to the world’s ways but they are so good.

  5. Hi Lori! Isn’t Bethadilly following his husband’s lead? He told her he would never tell her how to vote or expect her to vote how he does. Bethadilly seems to be doing exactly as he said and is following her husband’s lead. She is obeying her husband and obeying God. (1 Peter 3:6) If she asked him how to vote, she will be disobeying him. Not every husband can be or should be like a command man like Ken. Thank you.

  6. She should have still obeyed God and followed her husband’s lead as Happy Homemaker did so she wouldn’t negate her husband’s vote. And no, we don’t have to have the same opinions and thoughts as our husbands but we should clearly understand that IF they are truly under Christ’s leadership, as she claimed, she would be under her husband’s leadership which she said nothing about. Finally, Ken has never told me how to vote but if he wanted me to vote one way, I would since I understand Scripture and God’s will for me clearly. I vote however he votes since he is my leader and it has nothing whatsoever to do with what type of a man he is. God cares way more about my submission to him than any vote I may cast.

  7. My husband absolutely *does not* want me to ask him how to vote, what to wear, what to do with my free time, what I should do or read, what I should cook for dinner, etc. We are third generation preacher kids. We know all the rules and had them preached at us for 20 + years. But we are out of the box people. After we got married I asked him about this and he was horrified. He doesn’t want to be my boss. He refuses. Yes we have preferences and if something is important to him he will mention it, or if it’s important to me I’ll mention it and we honor each other’s wishes, but he never ever demands, bosses or tells me what to do. He knows I have a good head on my shoulders and am capable and he trusts me with his heart, home and his everything. I trust him the same way. We don’t always agree, but we always let our unity be stronger than our disunity. The thought of my husband telling me how to vote made him physically ill. He says I am his best friend, and I’m to be at his side, not underfoot. So no, I don’t have to worry about the “what ifs” because I know my husband won’t be throwing anything like that at me. We aren’t perfect, but he shows the love of Christ to me everyday, and I strive to do the same to him. We keep the communication lines constantly open and it’s a beautiful way to go through life with your best friend and lover.

  8. Most husbands don’t try to “boss” their wives around, Bethadilly, but the husband is the head over the wife and the wife is commanded to be obedient to her husband. This is God’s will for us whether or not we like it. There is no institution that doesn’t have a leader and marriage is no different.

    If you worked for a boss who told you exactly how he wanted you to do your job (which most bosses do), I am sure you would have no problem with this as most women don’t but the thought of being in submission to your husband, who you have chosen to love until death do you part, is not important to you shows that you don’t have any intention of obeying the truth of God’s Word.

    Your way of marriage may work great for you but it is not how marriage is clearly defined in the Word of God. We are commanded to teach the truth of God’s Word which states that wives are to be subject to their husbands in everything.

  9. So how should I have obeyed my husband in this? He has zero interest in telling me how to vote. He doesn’t want me asking him. He doesn’t care. Period. He tells me constantly one of the main reasons he married me was because how of smart I was and how I could think for myself instead of sitting meekly waiting for a man to tell me things. He likes me researching and thinking for myself. He loves it. Calls it sexy. 🙂 He never wanted to marry a girl who was always asking him how she should do this, or that, or etc.

  10. Ask how he is going to vote and then vote the way he does without him even knowing if he doesn’t care. Ask what he’d like for dinner then cook it for him. (I am sure he has preferences.)

    It doesn’t mean you aren’t smart, can’t think for yourself, and sit around meekly waiting for him to tell you things. You actively learn what pleases him and do it.

    Most men today aren’t raised with a biblical marriage being modeled or defined for them since it isn’t being taught in most churches today. When a wife allows her husband to lead, there are no arguments. She gives her opinions and thoughts and then allows him to have his without arguing and he makes the final decision, if there’s a decision to be made.

  11. Of course I make special meals for him all the time (and he does the same, actually.) 🙂 I do things that please him every day because I love him and he is my best friend.

    He would be very very upset and hurt if I voted exactly how he did if I disagreed with the candidates he was voting for. He wants me to flourish and grow in our marriage, not to align myself with his every step. He doesn’t want me to give my opinion and then shut up. He hates making the final decision if it is something that impacts both of us. He wants me at my side, helping him look at the pros and cons of things. So yes, I’m following my husband’s wishes. It just looks different.

    We are 3rd generation conservative Christians. We are both preachers kids, both homeschooled and both raised by SAHM. we have a long history of solid long lasting marriages behind us. We know what real love in action is. We know what self sacrificing love looks like.

  12. But Beth’s husband wants her to vote for HER choice. She is disobeying him if she does otherwise.

    Should she disobey him in this case?

  13. I don’t necessarily think you have to vote the same as your husband to be in submission to him. Before we went to the polls last November he told me who he was voting for, and then told me he wanted me to vote for the candidate I preferred. To vote the same as him at that point would’ve been DISobedience since he told me exactly what he wanted me to do and to vote like him would’ve been to go against that.

  14. It’s great that you have a husband such as you do but many women do not, Bethadilly. I am not sure why he should be so hurt and upset if you voted as he did even if you disagreed. This puzzles me since your vote would negate his and he is called to be the leader of the home. Women were created to be their husband’s help meet, not vice versa.

    Most of what you write shows a good and healthy marriage but you don’t mention anything about being obedient to him in everything which my post is about. I am teaching the Word of God, not my marriage experience or anyone else’s.

  15. This is because marriage has become a “sacred” right in our culture, Taylor. You could easily decide that the candidate your husband is voting for is the candidate you prefer and will vote for too. This would be a very simple solution.

  16. Bethadilly,
    You say “He never wanted to marry a girl who was always asking him how she should do this, or that, or etc.”
    I agree with your husband completely. I did not want to, and still don’t want to be married to a woman like that. I don’t like to be asked a lot of questions either. What I want is for my smart, intelligent, talented, capable wife to pay attention, see what is going on, and come along beside me and HELP me with whatever I am doing and wherever I am going. I want her to figure out what her responsibility’s are and to take care of them (doing all as unto the Lord) so I don’t have to be concerned with them at all. Actually, it is a pleasure to be asked a smart, thoughtful question from time to time as it shows respect, but to ask about every little thing, or to just sit around and wait to be told everything shows just the opposite. The other thing a woman has to be willing to do is to adjust what she is doing when her husband requests that it be done a different way. Women these days are often too PROUD to do that. If they will do it at all, they want to either do it their way, or not at all. This is a sinful attitude to have.

    The first boss I ever had ( I was 14) was a deacon in my church. We were working construction and one day early on, we were on the job and I was standing there waiting to be told what he wanted me to do. He said with stern voice but a big grin, “Hey, don’t just stand there, DO SOMETHING! Even if it’s wrong, DO SOMETHING! If you aren’t doing it right I will let you know, but look around, figure out what needs to be done and get busy doing it! Don’t just stand their waiting on me to tell you everything!” I learned a lot from that brief admonition from this wise, Godly man. Others can too.

    You say “Sometimes we disagree, but that’s okay since we recognize that each of us are two different people”
    NO! The Bible tells you that you and your husband are ONE FLESH and casting a different vote than your husband is a house divided against itself and not only shows disrespect for your husband (whether he knows it or not) but also for the God you claim to worship because you are not following the instructions that He has clearly given to you. (Ephesians 5:24)

    You say “We know all the rules and had them preached at us for 20 + years. But we are out of the box people. After we got married I asked him about this and he was horrified. He doesn’t want to be my boss. He refuses.”
    Based on what you have written, it sounds like you are a good and capable woman and your husband puts a lot of trust in you which is great BUT, it’s easy to see that you don’t know ALL the rules yet.

    It is unfortunate that your husband (like me and most other men of our generation) have also been so negatively effected by feminism. We were not taught Godly manhood (and I grew up in the church) anymore than most women these days were taught Godly womanhood but whether your husband knows it or not (or wants it or not), God has put him in charge over you and your family and he is called to lead. You are called to follow and submit to him in everything. Even if your husband is not leading, you are called to follow. As good as you claim your marriage to be, it can be better. Nothing is better than doing it God’s way.

  17. But she can DECIDE that his choice is her choice. You see, it is the feminist movement that has made women falsely believe that they are independent of their husbands but this is not from God. We are told to follow our husband’s lead.

  18. Lori,
    So good to see this topic, as I have a question about total submission. Is a wife supposed to obey her husband even if her husband asks her to do something that goes totally against the Word of God? Can she refuse on this basis because it is unbiblical? If she obeys her husband and does the blasphemous action, is it a sin, and will she have to answer to God for her actions, or will her husband be held accountable to God for both of them? I guess it boils down to, does the command for wives to be obedient to their husbands in everything take priority over any other command?

  19. You said:
    “He tells me constantly one of the main reasons he married me was because how of smart I was and how I could think for myself instead of sitting meekly waiting for a man to tell me things. ”

    Why do people always assume that because I submit to my husband that I am not smart and cannot think for myself? Actually, nothing could be farther from the truth. Yes, I have my own opinions and I tell my husband, however here is where submission comes in—if we disagree, he gets to make the call. That is his God-given role in our marriage, to lead our home and family. People just automatically assume that because he is the head of our family that I just have to “sit meekly waiting for him to tell me what to do.”— that is so silly.

    You see, when I decided I WANTED to be his helpmeet (not just his wife, many have wives, not so many have helpmeets) and fulfill my God-given role as his wife, I started actively seeking out the things that please him. He has told me that he doesn’t like a particular shirt that I wore because it made me look “older”, now he didn’t say I couldn’t wear it again, he didn’t even imply that he would prefer I not wear it, however, because I VALUE his opinion and WANT to please him, I chose to donate the shirt to charity. He really likes Cajun food, now he hasn’t told me that I need to fix Cajun food, however because I know he likes it, I choose to look for Cajun recipes.

    I choose to try to find things to please him, no I don’t have to and he would love me either way, but I guess there is the difference. I want to. I am proud to be his wife and I even pray to God for the wisdom to know the things that please him and to do them. And by typing this, I know what the replies will be—- You are a doormat and need to learn to think for yourself— so be it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But my question is, have you tried it? True submission, joyful submission?

  20. If a husband asks a wife to do something evil or illegal such as rob a bank, participate in a threesome, or watch porn with him, she must disobey him but in everything else, she should obey him, for a godly wife can win a husband who is disobedient to the Word by being in subjection to him (1 Peter 3:1-6).

  21. You are far from being a doormat, HH. It takes a strong woman to want to actively follow, serve, and please her husband as you do. Your husband is blessed to have you as his help meet.

  22. Do any of you ladies address your husband’s as lord like Sarah did? We cannot pick and choose what we want to follow..obeyING in everything even to the point of calling him lord. Lori do you agree?

  23. We are never commanded to call our husbands “lord” but this is an example to us of their authority over us and the respect and obedience we should be giving them because of it.

  24. 1peter3:6 Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement….is this not a command Lori? This is not a symbolic statement here. This is a commandement. She obeyed and called him lord.

  25. Here is what the commentaries of old have to say about this verse:

    “Where Sara, though not addressing Abraham, but speaking to herself, calls him ‘my lord.’ People show their usual habits of mind more freely in speaking to themselves.”

    “This passage does not prove that the term lord should be the particular appellation by which Christian wives should address their husbands now, but it proves that there should be the same respect and deference which was implied by its use in patriarchal times.”

    I believe “whose daughters ye are” refers to “Sara obeyed Abraham.” I have never heard one sermon that a preacher has told a wife to call her husband “lord,” have you?

    Do you call your husband “lord,” submissive?

  26. Yes Lori actually I do. The thing is you are not going to hear that being preached in the church buildings today because as you stated many times they don’t preach about wives submitting to there husband’s. The scripture is clear as how a wife should address her husband if she is in full submission to him. A lot of women in the churches are full of rebellion..I once was. I actually battled with that verse a scripture for a long time, but the word exposes the wickedness in our hearts. We subject ourselves the the Lord, so we as wives are to subject to our lords. The servants in the old testament called the kings lord. We are no different. To subject all things we must begin addressing our lords properly… thus saith the scripture in 1peter3:6.

  27. But even the preachers who I love the most who study the Word hours every day and do teach that wives are to be obedient to their husbands don’t teach that wives should call their husbands “lord,” like Michael Pearl, my very favorite. And he takes the Bible very literally and seriously.

    There is only one place that states this and is given as an example of how much Sara respected and obeyed her husband. If you are convicted about his, however, you should absolutely call your husband “lord” but neither of us are.

  28. Oh ok…sorry that you feel that way…maybe you should ask mr. Pearl how serious he is about the word? Because if he really took the bible seriously then this is something that belongs under submission in all things. As you stated should we not all walk in agreement in all things?

  29. Taylor,
    You say “Before we went to the polls last November he told me who he was voting for, and then told me he wanted me to vote for the candidate I preferred.”

    Just as God puts situations (pop-quizzes) in all of our lives each day to give us the opportunity to obey Him, and show Him that we are in submission to Him, and express our love for Him, husbands sometimes do the same things to their wives and when that happens it is a double test. A test from your husband to see if your are going to be in submission to him and God is watching to see your response also. I don’t know if this was a test from your husband or if he was an unwitting participant and it was a test straight from God but it WAS a test (no doubt) to see if you would obey the Lord and submit to (place yourself under the authority of and follow the leadership of) your husband. Voting different from him is certainly not being submissive and it is also very disrespectful. If you were going to the polls with Jesus and He told you how He was going to vote, but also told you that you could vote however you wished, would you cast a vote different than Jesus? I know that I wouldn’t! I wouldn’t EVER presume to know better then Jesus on who to vote for and God tells you that you are to submit to (follow your husbands leadership) just as you would the Lord. (Ephesians 5:22)

    I can’t speak for all husbands (of course) but for myself, I never wanted to (and still don’t want to have to) tell my wife what to do. I want her to do what she is supposed to do without having to be told. That is a true test of submission. Doing what you are told to do is obedience, figuring out what you are supposed to do (without being told) and doing it is submission. God calls for submission first, then also for obedience where it is necessary.

  30. No. Many Christians can disagree on issues such as when the Tribulation occurs, if there is a rapture, free will and election, head covering, and many things such as this. What matters are the important things and submitting to and obeying our husband is an important thing since it is repeated numerous times in the Bible. I am sure the Lord cares a lot more about our actions and attitudes towards our husband than a word we use to address him.

  31. I do not think it is good to talk about your husband’s lack of leadership in a way that makes it sound like a positive thing. To have a man who refuses to take on the God ordained role for men is nothing to be happy about. It is like telling the world how proud you are that your husband wears ladies’ underwear. It is a shame (and may be true) but it is nothing to write about or defend. I am almost embarrassed for these women to be airing the deficiencies of their husbands in such a manner.

    Also, I must agree that the role of men does not have anything to do with the personality type of the man. My husband is not a “Command Man” but yet he is an excellent leader and I am so thankful to have him. When we were first married and I did not understand what a helpmeet was (like it seems a few of your readers are a bit confused as well) and I tried to usurp his role. I am doubly thankful that my husband is a man and not a sissy and would not allow that. I hope your readers who have taken issue with the God given roles in marriage (because they are wiser than God, or “times have changed” or “they have “outside of the box [Bible]” marriages will with time, like myself, come to understand that God’s ways (as written in scripture) are best.

  32. I really don’t want to muddy the water here but Sarah obeyed Abraham and LIED (to a king) about who she was in relation to him, TWICE! God honored her obedience to her husband and protected her. I find no place where she was condemned for this but rather, Sarah is praised and given as THE example of a Godly, submissive wife. The Biblical account of Abraham and Sarah could have easily left out those instances but they didn’t. I have always wondered why they were included. I have always found that to be a bit interesting.

    That said, I agree with the majority and say that a wife’s responsibility is to God first and to her husband second and that she should not comply if her husband tells her to do something that is CLEARLY a violation of the moral will of God…. what the Bible clearly calls out as sinful.

    The problem comes with so many women when they have strong personal opinions and preferences about what THEY think is “right” or “wrong” on things that the Bible does not specifically speak about. Be careful ladies to make sure you have clear Bible verses to back you up if you are going to refuse submission and/or obedience to your husband.

  33. such good commentary here. I am not sure what to say about all of the debate back and forth,but it was interesting to read and see how some women,can excuse their behavior. My I am so glad God choose me to be his own, and I find it an honor to submit and obey my husband,it is a joy!

  34. I suggest the simple answer with Bethadilly is that her Christian response [if that’s what she truly wants] to her husband saying “vote as you please” – ie: giving her complete freedom – is then not to vote. Women are not to lead men, to command men, and voting is the very power to do this. If her husband said “vote exactly as I do” then she should do that, even though she is effectively leading men. Her IMMEDIATE obedience to God is her obedience to her husband.

    Sure, many husbands don’t get this. Somehow we all think that voting is a right. The only right that God has given us is to “choice life or death.” The rights we think we have are of man. God gave us responsibility …to OBEY His word. Please do not add to or delete from that.

    Obedience is always blind. If we do something because we think it works or because we want to do it, it is not obedience. Obedience by definition means we overcome ourselves and surrender to someone else. Think of “If ye abide in Me words My words abide in you, you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you.” That does not mean God is a Genie in a lamp. It means that if we are really in love with Him we will chase Him so hard that we will know what his words says and follow it whether we understand how it works or not [same wife with husband]. Certainly we have confusion feed to us in these end times but I hear just as much game playing with God and with the leader of this blog.

    Our default is to start with us and then try to find God; we are naturally self-centered. Rather, start with God [the Word] and we –along with Him – will find our way back to us. Seriously. Stop speaking the world’s language. Learn to speak His. Real analogy: take a Maze [puzzler] and start at the FINISH [God] and work your way back to the START [you]. It is much faster; there are less choices. Seriously, try it. That is how it works with God. We connect with God when we start with Him.

    Wives obey husbands in everything. Really, everything? But, but …. I know of no exceptions in scripture. Are you saying God made a mistake? He had a bad day and left the exceptions out? Did Abraham reason? He had more carnal justification to reason than anyone I’ve ever heard of: huh? slit my son’s throat …in a thoughtful ceremony? Is there any more dramatic example of blind obedience? Ladies, frankly you have it very easy as I just now think of it. Men have it much harder to blindly follow God. I’m not saying we do a good job, but this is what we all need to push. And marriage helps push this for the church.

    Abraham had faith and God had a plan. Anyone could reason in his situation, all with the same answer: No, Lord. But who of us would have had the faith of Abraham. “But, but …what if my husband asks me to kill the kids?” How often do we hear that? Sure, we will catch flack from the supporters of the death of 54 million unborn children…. But their knowledge is the path to Hell.

    Obey. Blindly. First. Then God gives us the eyes to see.

    It is a heart attitude. You know when you have it and when you don’t. Be honest with yourself, then you can be with others.

  35. Voting has never been an issue in our home. My husband and I have always supported the same candidate because we share the same political views. I’ve never been in a position to have a need to decide to vote for the candidate he liked because I already supported that candidate on my own.

  36. In my opinion Christianity today is becoming very watered down because a lot of Christian’s want to live in their own truth and put there own spin on scripture . If God commands it of us then who are we to think we know better. I’m not sure why Christian wives today believe submission means door mat. Think about this for a minute. Considering how much God loves us and the price JESUS paid for us why would He command us to do something that would be harmful to our Christian walk??? If wives are to be submissive in everything why would Christian wives fight this so hard. If you are a true believer do you believe you would be commanded to do something harmful such as be submissive? Think about that for a minute

  37. This is a hard one, Trey, since many women love to give the “what ifs…” instead of simply trusting and obeying God’s command to them. It’s just a way for them to discredit Him and find a way out, in my opinion.

  38. My goal, Melinda, is to continue to point out the fallacy of their arguments so others can see how many women try to argue against God’s perfect will for them. Keep pointing back to truth.

  39. I am sorry I missed the fun on this post busy at work.

    This command man does not command his wife around, but he does lead her primarily by example. He is not afraid to make requests of her, but his needs are very minimal. I don’t insist that my wife vote as I vote because I don’t need to. She respects my wisdom and honors me by voting as I vote, and at times informs me on things concerning the vote that I was unaware of. We are fortuate to be like minded in politics, but if we were not, I would find it a strange thing if a wife who desires to submit to her husband, to please him and be one with him, that she would not also desire to vote as I vote.

    Perhaps our idea of the value of voting is greater than that of other couples who can laugh about canceling out each other’s vote. It is simply not importnat to them, thus not a high value when it comes to submission.

    I don’t think my smart and savvy wife has any issue with not being able to use her God given intelligence. She simply chooses to harness this intelligence to glory God by obeying Him at HIs Word… which in turn leads her to choose to joyfully submit to me. Doing things God’s ways always works out best, even if man’s ways can do a good job at times in having a healthy marriage… but real question to answer: “Does it please God by HIs Word?”.

  40. I’m wondering what you think of this. I lean toward Calvinism…though I hate to even use that term. My husband does not lean that way. Am I wrong for believing that when my husband doesn’t or is that ok?

  41. I wife’s responsibility to God is THROUGH her husband. By obeying her husband she obeys the Word of God and the Word is not then blasphemed. “The woman is the glory of the man”, the man “is the glory of God.” There is a ‘pass-through’ of this glory, this righteousness. And reciprocally, there is a ‘pass-through’ of rebellion.

    A wife is righteous for obeying her husband in ‘everything.’

    Eve first rebelled against Adam. God told Adam about not eating of the tree. There is no record of God telling Eve this commandment. Adam, in his exclusive dominion, must have told Eve and she obeyed HIS command not to eat of the tree.

    There was a reason that a wife was not prosecuted under the law for a crime she committed at the bequest of her husband. But, with the Bible leaving our country, that left 100+ yrs ago.

    ‘Back-to-Genesis’ is foundationally important and the church has laid a foundation on sand, by-passing the simple structure in the Garden.

  42. Hi Bethadilly,

    I just now saw this great question of yours. I commented below at March 3, 2017 at 4:58 pm:
    “I suggest the simple answer with Bethadilly is that her Christian response [if that’s what she truly wants] to her husband saying “vote as you please” – ie: giving her complete freedom – is then not to vote. Women are not to lead men, to command men, and voting is the very power to do this. If her husband said “vote exactly as I do” then she should do that, even though she is effectively leading men. Her IMMEDIATE obedience to God is her obedience to her husband. [more on that further below if desired].

    Next to the attitude of submission [which I now read you seem to truly desire] is the practical aspect of overcoming wrong habits and the carnal theology of the church and world. You are asking the right questions and the post here is digging ever deeper to find those answers in truth.

    Let’s keep discussing under ….the authority of scripture.

  43. The topic of obey “in everything” may be the most controversial on this blog and in the church. The church has firmly place the authority in marriage with the wife because “in everything” just cannot be true in every circumstance, right? Rather, the wife has the veto power. Stop and think: YOUR BELIEF’S JUST GAVE THE WIFE THE VETO POWER. She must monitor her husband to make sure he is following the word. She is now more powerful than her husband. He is a ‘mamma’s boy’ always being watched over his shoulder. She claims to have the direct connection to God [against 1Cor11:7] to fight off her husband. This is THAT blasphemy the post speaks of.

    How can a body go off a cliff [if that’s what your husband is doing to the marriage] without taking the whole body? A wife, by disobeying in something is declaring she is not one in the marriage and effectively beheading the marriage. So, what God has put together, the wife is going to put asunder with disobedience?

    A man’s disobedience is between him and God. I wife’s disobedience is between her and her husband. A marriage can’t have two heads whether it is husband and wife or husband and God. The head of the marriage is the husband. Period. The head is not God sometimes and her husband sometimes.

    God is not looking for efficiencies in any aspect out of the church or marriage. He doesn’t need our help in that. He is solely looking for obedience to His authority structure. That structure starts with: 1) Him, God the Father, who spoke 2) the Word, God the Son, and 3) gave dominion to the man under the authority of His Word [have dominion]. The wife serves the husband, the husband serves the Word, the Word serves the Father. The word is blasphemed [Titus 2:5] when wives skip over their head and go straight to the Word.

    Men are to surrender themselves to be slaves to Christ, to align their hearts and desires to Him, to explicitly know and follow His ways. This is modeled for the church by wives who surrender themselves to be slaves to their own husband, to align their hearts and desires to him, to explicitly know and follow his ways.

    This is an offensive message to the church but in finding it we will find the peace that passes understanding. Stop saying “But what if ….” If we learn the principle of our Father and obey / apply them, He will reveal how they ‘work’ in His time.

    I leave you with the words from another blog from a wife about how they work:
    Rachel October 29, 2013 at 2:56 pm #
    Your blog and this article [disrespecting husbands] have completely changed my marriage and life, if I’m being totally honest. I can’t thank God enough for this wonderful insight! I had no idea how *I* was the one sabotaging my marriage. After reading this list just 10 days ago, I repented, and just the biggest weight ever has been lifted. My husband is now everything I always wanted, but didn’t know I had. I feel so free and just beautiful inside. It’s changed everything. I’m a MUCH better mother, as well. I finally feel like the woman God called me to be. I had so much guilt before, but I didn’t even know why. I just knew it started shortly after I got married, and I even wondered if it could have somehow been caused by my husband, but now I get it!! I was dealing with a lot of mental health issues, and things weren’t good at all, despite all I had done to try and fix things myself (oh, the wages of sin). I was the one who had to feel in control all the time. I, too, cried for 3 days after learning all of this and taking it all in. It was a lot to bear, but I wouldn’t trade it for the whole world. I’m happier now than I could have even imagined. I have been married for 10 years, but I feel like these past 10 days have been the best of our lives. We’re making up for lost time, and enjoying each other fully. I almost couldn’t believe how drastic the change was, especially since it wasn’t even difficult to do! His yoke is easy and His burden is light. I tried to do it all, and it was increasingly frustrating. But now I’m so FREE! Thank you, a million times, thank you! You’re doing a marvelous work! I pray you and your family are blessed beyond measure. Thank you so much for being obedient! You’re truly an inspiration and I’m going to share your blog so that more can be blessed as I have been. 🙂

  44. I have a sincere question for Dave regarding a wife must obey her husband in everything, no exceptions, no questions. Does ‘everything’ encompass illegal and/or immoral acts? If a husband commands his wife to engage in a threesome or film pornography or knowingly cheat on their taxes or embezzle money — is that part of her submission, her blind obedience?

    Dave said above “Obey. Blindly. First. Then God gives us the eyes to see.” Assuming, the husband’s command is not a test for his wife (as Trey suggested) but a true, sincere, serious command — — How would this apply in the scenario I’ve suggested? What should the wife do?

  45. Shalom, if your husband is asking you to sin with him then no, you should not submit to that, because then your disobeying God. Some of Dave’s comments are..well a little off. It seems to me that he thinKS that us wives cannot have a relationship with God without them, which is not true…we will all stand before the Judgement seat of God…not us and our spouses….again if your husband is asking you to sin then humbly tell him that you cannot comply with it.

  46. I want to make it clear that the kind of tests that God gives us (and I would hope any test that a husband might give to his wife) are tests given with the hope of her PASSING the test. It is an opportunity for success and blessing. The situation is always “true and sincere”; not some contrived situation trying to “set her up” to fail.

  47. It is amazing to me that this topic of “Christian” wives voting differently from their husbands is garnering so much discussion. Our political views come from our personal values. If we call ourselves Christians, that means that we are identifying with Jesus Christ and to do that, our values must be His values and His values are clearly displayed for us in the Bible. They are clearly declared, easy to understand and not much is left to interpretation.

    Considering how polarized our current political climate is in this country. The (Republicans/Conservatives), although not perfect, by FAR come the closest to upholding Biblical values. The other side, (Democrats/Liberals/Progressives/Socialists/Communists) stand for absolutely nothing that the Bible stands for.

    The Democrats are by FAR, more unbiblical and depraved. That party is currently WALLOWING in a VILE cesspool of sin and rebellion AGAINST God. To cast a vote for them is spitting in the face of God and declaring your allegiance to Satan.

    This really shouldn’t be an issue we are having to discuss here on the topic of “Why Does Disobeying Our Husband Blaspheme the Word of God?” When it comes to values, a Christian husband and wife should at least have the same basic Biblical values, especially when it is so easy (if you really are a follower of Christ) to distinguish the difference between which party/candidate to vote for.

  48. Including the previous verse it seems even more clear. “Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; 4But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. 5For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: 6Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.” If we are truly going to live Biblically we can’t pick and choose. To teach submission, but refuse to follow what is clearly a command, is inconsistent at best.

  49. Mr.trey again if her husband is asking her to sin she should not comply. No matter how “sincere” he may think he is being. No women should pUT her husband before Christ. She obeys Christ first, then her husband. If he is asking her to do something wicked then she should humbly say to him, my lord I cannot do what you are asking me to do because it is contrary to the word of God ..

  50. submissive,
    I do not disagree with you on this matter. My statement above regarding tests, has nothing to do with that topic.

  51. I can’t say I agree with you on that.
    I know many Christians who voted Democrat last year and even some who voted “Socialist” in the primaries (I also did). I myself was raised by staunchly Republican parents and am a registered Democrat.
    I think the problem is that BOTH parties are rigged to benefit the rich and white and privileged. That’s right. BOTH. They are covered in the same cesspool waste you are talking about. If we really wanted to vote how Jesus would vote, we’d vote for the greatest commandment, which is love. What candidate is ever FOR love? Loving our neighbors as we would be loved? That’s right, not a single one.
    Love would mean we are all respected as valuable creatures in God, regardless of our social status, race, etc. etc. And this is not the case. Dems want conservative Christians shipped off to an island to live alone and Reps seem to want to protect everything at the top and never mind people who need help. Bipartisan issues is what is holding the country back. Not being able to see both sides and work with both sides without crying, protesting, and declaring “my rights”, or labeling everyone “snowflakes” who dares to disagree with the executive orders is disgraceful. there is room in the middle if everyone would take deep breaths and step back to survey the “damage”.

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