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Month: October 2016

Husbands Using My Posts to Convict Their Wives

Husbands Using My Posts to Convict Their Wives

Are husbands “allowed” to use my posts to try and convict their wives about something I have written? Of course they are since they are head over their wives and the leaders of their homes. What if they are using them to manipulate their wives? I am not sure a wife could know her husband’s intentions but he has every right to show her whether it be to exhort, rebuke, or encourage her (Titus 2:15). The one thing I want…

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Women Love Beautiful Things

Women Love Beautiful Things

  This picture is from Door County, Wisconsin and is close to where I have spent time during the summers my entire life. I posted it in my chat room and on my Facebook page and the women loved it because we love beauty! The road was designed by an artist, not an engineer so people would go slowly and enjoy the beauty of it! In a little gift shop near this road, they sell the picture of this curvy…

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Happiness is the By-Product of a Life Well-Lived

Happiness is the By-Product of a Life Well-Lived

Women gave me a hard time when I wrote that I was not a fun mother and this doesn’t matter to me since fun wasn’t important to me; teaching my children about the Lord and His ways, disciplining and training them, and nurturing them was what was important to me. This proved the point of my post which was that women today believe that being a fun mother is very important. What about a mother like me who was very…

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He Shall Rule Over You

He Shall Rule Over You

In Genesis 3:16, God said to Adam and Eve after they sinned, “Thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee.” Have you ever studied what this means? I decided to look how the theologians of old interpreted this verse. Here is how the Benson’s Commentary (1857) interpreted it: “Thy desire shall be to thy husband – That is, as appears from Genesis 4:7, where the same phrase is used, Thy desires shall be referred or submitted to…

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Jesus Makes Us Content and Happy

Jesus Makes Us Content and Happy

He who is a believer in Jesus finds enough in his Lord to satisfy him now, and to content him for evermore. The believer is not the man whose days are weary for want of comfort, and whose nights are long from absence of heart-cheering thought, for he finds in religion such a spring of joy, such a fountain of consolation, that he is content and happy. Put him in a dungeon and he will find good company; place him…

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Marriage Kills Commitment

Marriage Kills Commitment

My friend, Carol, has been married over 45 years. When asked what her secret is to keeping such a strong and happy marriage she replies, “God is first, then their spouse, their children, then ministry for her and work for him, then self in this order.” In contrast, many couples today prioritize their marriages as self is first, then work, children, spouse, and then maybe God at Christmas and Easter.  According to Goldie Hawn, who has been living with her partner Kurt Russell…

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Regret Over Having Children

Regret Over Having Children

In reading through the book of John, I am struck that right before Christ was going to be crucified, He had a Passover dinner with His disciples and said this, “If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.” (John 13:14, 15) The Creator of the universe came down in the flesh to pay…

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Should Women Have Career Aspirations?

Should Women Have Career Aspirations?

 “As much as I legitimately disagree with almost everything you post, including this, I do have a genuine question for you. What is wrong with a woman having career aspirations, getting her higher education, having debt in the process, and following their dreams/achieving their career aspirations?”   Life isn’t about “following our dreams/achieving our career aspirations” if you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. His Lordship over our lives demands that we do what He has asked us to do and…

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Negative Reviews on Amazon

Negative Reviews on Amazon

When my editor and I were talking about having my book sold on Amazon, I told him it would get blasted with horrible reviews since there are some who hate me and what I teach. He wasn’t worried about it and thought it would simply bring more traffic to my book. Well, yesterday I saw that sure enough, they were posting nasty reviews about me and my blog, not even my book! (I have no idea why Amazon allows comments…

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Getting Out of the Rat Race

Getting Out of the Rat Race

A Christian woman who has three children and a blog had some very exciting news to share about a friend of hers who is going to do an online course about “Mothers Being Stretched Too Thin.” She describes her friend’s life: “Susan is a mom of three who works a full time job outside the home as well as writes books, speaks, runs a successful blog and is super crafty.  I’m always wondering how on earth she does it.  She…

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