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Category: Marriage

Become Lifelong Students of Your Husbands

Become Lifelong Students of Your Husbands

Once in a while, a wise man or a woman will make an incredible comment on one of my posts which deserve a post of their own and this is one of them. This comment from “Mother Dearest” is from my post Many Women Seem to Enjoy Tearing Down Other Women’s Marriages. Enjoy! Today’s unregenerate woman is a clamorous glory-hog that cannot imagine enduring a moment of only being seen and not heard. This busy body gads abroad on social…

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Receiving Many Uplifting, Inspiring Comments!

Receiving Many Uplifting, Inspiring Comments!

Many of you see the many cruel comments that I receive daily, but I want you all to know that I receive MANY wonderful and inspiring comments on a daily basis, too, like this one! “Hi there, I am not comfortable posting publicly, but I want you know in the midst of all the criticism, you have been a steady guide back to Jesus for me. Long story short, there are lots of older Christian women in my life, but…

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Many Women Seem to Enjoy Tearing Down Other Women’s Marriages

Many Women Seem to Enjoy Tearing Down Other Women’s Marriages

Why do many women seem so ready and willing to tell other women what their husbands are doing wrong, thus trying to tear their marriage apart? Why aren’t women more willing to encourage women in their marriages and build them up instead? On a post a few weeks ago, a woman made the following comment: “My husband likes to have a quiet dinner where he can discuss his day, etc. in a relaxed atmosphere without interruptions due to people talking…

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“Ain’t No Woman Like the One I’ve Got”

“Ain’t No Woman Like the One I’ve Got”

The other day, Dennis Prager played a clip of this song from 1972. It’s called “Ain’t No Woman Like the One I’ve Got” and sung by the Four Tops. I listened to it when I was in high school and loved it! (Listen to it. You’ll like it, too!) It made me think how many men would absolutely LOVE to have a woman like this one. She doesn’t ask for things, no, not even diamond rings and it doesn’t take…

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Virtuous or Rottenness in His Bones?

Virtuous or Rottenness in His Bones?

“A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones” (Proverbs 12:4). Whenever I read verses specifically directed towards women, I want to study them. I want to understand them and remember them to either aspire to be like them (the positive traits) or not be like them (the negative traits). We forget so easily and this is why we need to be in the Word daily. I read the…

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Your Husband’s Sexuality is a Gift From God to You

Your Husband’s Sexuality is a Gift From God to You

This is a comment that is full of wisdom left on my post She Would Give Anything to Be Desired By Her Husband. There is a lie that has gone out into the world, from the very depths of hell. It tells women that to be chaste whilst single is stifling but sex in marriage is boring. It fits in neatly with the larger feminist message that for a woman to be under the authority of her own husband is…

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Her Greatest Desire is to Come Home to Someone

Her Greatest Desire is to Come Home to Someone

There’s a beautiful 28 year old woman who is a full-time career woman but her greatest desire is to come home to someone so she made a video about her thoughts. She has an aching loneliness. She’s never had a long-term relationship but from her video, it sounds like she has sex with guys. She wonders why she can’t attract a man for long-term. She’s into a bikini model challenge to try to look better thinking this will attract a…

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Being Married and Having Children is the Pattern of Scripture

Being Married and Having Children is the Pattern of Scripture

Audrey Broggi is fantastic! This post was written by her on her Facebook page. I pulled out an old dusty journal. I had started it in March of my junior year in college and it carried me through many emotions of that spring: my relationship with my parents, my classes, friends, a young man, my job, the following summer, and the beginning of my senior year in college when Carl began to pursue me and my whole world changed. And,…

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She Would Give Anything to Be Desired By Her Husband

She Would Give Anything to Be Desired By Her Husband

Most young women seem to give sex freely to their boyfriends or to anyone these days before marriage, but this stops once they get married. The feminist and worldly agenda (sexual revolution) have deceived women into believing they can have sex freely with anyone outside of marriage but then have the option to withhold it once they are married since they will NOT serve their husbands. Whenever I teach women to not deprive their husbands sexually, many women are in…

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Stop Causing Division Over the Non-Essentials of Child Raising

Stop Causing Division Over the Non-Essentials of Child Raising

All four of my children were born in a hospital and I had male doctors deliver all of them. The first two were delivered without epidurals and the second two were. I breastfed all of them for about a year and didn’t feed them on a schedule. We sleep trained them when they were about six weeks old and yes, we did the cry-it-out method. They were all in a separate bedroom by that time. I fed them mostly organic…

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