Love and Kindness Can Win the Worst of Men

Love and Kindness Can Win the Worst of Men

“Suffering may be an unpopular way to know Christ. But many saints who have suffered the most will be the first to say that having God near was worth every tear” (John Piper). An older woman shared a story on my Facebook page of a woman she knew and how this woman had won her evil husband to Christ. No, it wasn’t a pretty story and the woman suffered greatly but it sure made women angry and offended with this…

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Pastors, Please Teach Wifely Submission Biblically

Pastors, Please Teach Wifely Submission Biblically

Written By Ken Alexander Recently, I listened to a sermon on marriage by a well-known evangelical pastor as I was challenged by a friend that I had him wrong on his views of a Christian wife’s submission to her husband. I was so hopeful that he was right and that his pastor was not giving the same defensive and inaccurate message on wifely submission that is rampant in the churches. At first, the pastor did a good job emphasizing that…

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The Hysteria Over Measles

The Hysteria Over Measles

On Thursday, I posted this chart on my Facebook page. I didn’t create it and I tried to find out who did with no success but hysteria broke out among many of those who commented. “Where are the links to support these claims?” It didn’t take long for me to find links to support some of these claims, so I thought I would share them with those who are interested. Truthfully, it’s difficult to know who to believe on the…

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Biting on the Feminist Lie

Biting on the Feminist Lie

The Facebook page called Fix the Family-Citadel Catholic Media shared one of my handwritten posts about women being keepers at home. No, I am not a Catholic but this site teaches almost everything I do about mothers being home for their children full time which I fully appreciate and they clearly understand the harm that feminism has done to the family unit. Here is a comment they received from my post which is similar to the many comments I receive…

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Are You Raising Your Daughters to Want a Successful Career or Marriage?

Are You Raising Your Daughters to Want a Successful Career or Marriage?

Every Thursday, Dennis Prager has a “Happiness Hour” on his radio program. Yesterday, he asked if parents are raising their daughters to want to be married or have careers. He has asked many women this question through the years: “If you could choose to have a successful marriage or successful career, which one would you choose?” He said the women answer 50/50. One time he was talking to a pretty, young woman in her early thirties who was an up…

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Living With a Pagan Husband

Living With a Pagan Husband

There are many Christian women who live with husbands who are not believers and it is difficult. This is why the only criteria for who we are to marry, according to the Lord, is that they be a believer. Life with an unbeliever is hard since everything a godly woman believes and the way she lives her life comes from the Lord and unbelievers don’t have this Rock upon which they have built their lives. God instructs women who are…

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Daughters of Eve or Daughters of Sarah

Daughters of Eve or Daughters of Sarah

Would you consider yourself more of a daughter of Eve or a daughter of Sarah? Eve knew God’s will. She walked with Him in the cool of the Garden of Eden. When Satan came as a serpent to tempt her, she quoted what God had said to her and added a few words to His commands. (He never told her not to touch the fruit.) “But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden,…

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She Poured Herself Into the Task of Raising Children For the Lord

She Poured Herself Into the Task of Raising Children For the Lord

“Hannah (in the Bible) never spoke at a women’s conference. She never wrote a book. She never broadcast over the radio or appeared to the masses on television. She was not the leader of any women’s ministry, nor did she ever have a following of women while she lived. How, then, did she come to be numbered among the great women or history? Her ‘secret’ is simple. She bore children, and poured herself into the task of raising them for…

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Your Happiness Does Not Negate the Word of God

Your Happiness Does Not Negate the Word of God

Many believe they can have it all. Women are not immune to this thinking: believing that they can have a career, a marriage, and children without someone or something suffering. Too often those who suffer the most are those who “gain the whole world but lose their soul.” They lose the things that are of eternal value for nothing but wood, hay and stubble that are to be burned up in the end. A life well lived will not be…

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Your Parents Did But You Refuse to Do

Your Parents Did But You Refuse to Do

What are some things your parents did but you refuse to do? My parents argued frequently in front of us as we were growing up. I refused to do this to my children. My mom loved soap operas so I did, too, as I was growing up but as soon as my oldest daughter turned five years old and began watching them with me, I quit cold turkey along with all other immoral TV shows and movies. My parents didn’t…

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