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Category: Keepers at Home

Abandoning Children to Work Outside of the Home is a Violation of Scripture

Abandoning Children to Work Outside of the Home is a Violation of Scripture

Preached By Pastor John MacArthur Young women are to be workers at home…workers at home. What does that mean? That means what it says, workers at home, home workers. God must have written that for our day when millions and millions and millions of women are working mothers outside the home. Millions of them have young children. In fact, the statistics of the number of women who work outside the home and have children under three is staggering; it’s something…

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Learning Frugality Takes Practice

Learning Frugality Takes Practice

Whenever I write about women being keepers at home, I undoubtedly get a comment that this is no longer possible. Families NEED two incomes to survive, they proclaim. No, but it may take a lot of sacrifice and hard work to be able to make it on one income. One young woman asked the women in the chat room this question: “How do you ladies who are stay at home wives/moms make it work with one income?” Many women responded…

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We Leech Off of Our Husbands?

We Leech Off of Our Husbands?

Many women try to convince me that feminism is all about allowing women to have a “choice” in what they want to do with their lives. If they want to be keepers at home full time, then great! If they want to be career women, then great! BUT I don’t believe them. If this were the case, then young girls, when asked what they wanted to do when they grew up, would be able to freely and easily respond, “Be…

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Where is a Mother’s True Mission Field?

Where is a Mother’s True Mission Field?

Instead of God’s Word causing conviction in many women’s lives, it most often causes them to feel shame and offense. Women who truly love God and His ways aren’t offended by any of His commands! His Word causes conviction and changes behavior in their lives. Here is a comment I recently received by a woman on one of my posts about being a keeper at home. “I am a godly woman/mom and God blessed me with the gift of teaching….

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Taking a Road Less Traveled

Taking a Road Less Traveled

Written By Emily at Blessed Homemaking Dear Mothers at Home, In our current times, we must be aware that this road we have chosen–the path to raise our daughters to be homemakers–is a road less traveled. Many years ago, it was common, and normal, to raise daughters to be keepers at home. The expectation was not that your daughters would be going off to college when they finished their other schooling. The assumption was not that they would need, or even…

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Problems With Daycare For Children

Problems With Daycare For Children

Just writing out the word “daycare” is heartbreaking to me. Aren’t babies and young children supposed to be in the care of their own mothers during the day? Don’t these children mourn being torn apart from their mothers every morning? Don’t these mothers miss not seeing their children every day five days a week? What are some other problems with daycare? Let’s examine a few: First, they cause a MASS spread of illnesses causing parents lost sleep, lost work, taxpayer…

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Do Young Women Need an Outlet?

Do Young Women Need an Outlet?

A young woman wrote me recently and asked me about doing things from home to make money. She asked me, “Doesn’t every young woman need an outlet?” She wants to be a better housekeeper, cook, and train her children more but these “outlets” have made her life more than she can handle since she is giving too much time to her “outlets.” God instructs young women to be keepers at home and they should be known for “looking well to…

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Things Women Can’t Stand About Living With Men

Things Women Can’t Stand About Living With Men

There’s an article about five things women can’t stand about living with men and of course, it’s about living with them, not being married to them since marriage is out of date these days and so old-fashioned. I thought it would be interesting to go through these five things that women can’t seem to stand about living with men. 1. Throwing things on the floor and leaving them there. 2. Leaving a dirty bathroom sink and toilet splashes 3. Not…

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Role Reversal in the Home

Role Reversal in the Home

Is it okay for the woman to be the breadwinner of the family and the husband be the “keeper at home”? I have been asked this numerous times and I know of families that do it this way. I am going to let you hear from Michael Pearl for this answer. Yes, some of it will most likely offend you if you don’t understand God’s clearly defined roles between the sexes and get offended easily. Husbands are the head of…

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Finding Joy in the Mundane

Finding Joy in the Mundane

Written to me by a woman who wants to remain anonymous. I have been following your blog and Facebook account for some time now, and it initially infuriated me. I am a stay at home mother, and I would not trade a minute of it. However, I went to college, and then to graduate school. I amassed $30,000 in loans to do it. And then I worked. And worked hard, 70 hour weeks seven days a week. At that time,…

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