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Month: February 2021

College Has Only Hurt Women

College Has Only Hurt Women

Women owe two thirds of the student loan debt. They owe more than a trillion dollars in debt. The entire “send young women off to college” has been a disaster for women and society at large. From the time a girl is young, she is asked what she wants to be when she grows up, and it’s always a question about the career she will pursue. So she grows up pondering what she wants to do out in the workforce….

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The Bread of Idleness

The Bread of Idleness

“She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness” (Proverbs 31:27) From this verse, we learn that this woman was busy in her home and did not indulge in idleness. Idleness means “Aversion to labor; reluctance to exertion either of body or mind; laziness; sloth; sulggishness.” Did you know that part of Sodom and Gomorrah’s downfall was laziness? “Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance…

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The Culture is After Innocent Children

The Culture is After Innocent Children

Written By Lindsay Harold The culture is after innocent children, to corrupt them into sexual deviancy as quickly as possible. There are messages about promiscuity, “girl power,” homosexuality, rebellion against authority, transgenderism, abortion, and many other evils everywhere. They put it in books, tv, movies, music, and video games. They teach it in public schools. Children even share it with each other. We have to protect our children very carefully so they are not influenced by such things when they…

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Single Women Numbers Soaring

Single Women Numbers Soaring

CNN Business had a headline the other day that read, “By 2030, 45 percent of working women aged 25 to 44 in the United States will be single, the largest share in history.” The man who shared this on Twitter, wrote above it, “Female depression also at all time highs. Just a coincidence.” Women will often say that women are taking positions of authority, because men have abdicated their positions. No, it’s women who have abdicated their positions at home…

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Teaching Your Children to Be Chaste

Teaching Your Children to Be Chaste

If you don’t teach your children to be chaste, culture will teach them to fornicate freely. This was a good conversation in the comment section on my post “The Devil Hates Your Marriage” written by John Michael Clark: “When and how should I talk to my kids about sex? I told them that I want and expect them to save themselves for marriage. Teaching them to not do anything beyond kissing, or putting themselves in situations that may be too…

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Conforming to God’s Word Rather than to the World

Conforming to God’s Word Rather than to the World

Written By a Young Wife and Mother I loved reading this post. The love and appreciation Ken showed for his wife is lovely to read, especially after seeing Lori constantly attacked by feminists and worldly men and women on social media simply because she sticks to biblical truth and boldly proclaims it. I love seeing Ken’s love and approval of her. ? Anyways, I’m so thankful for TTW blog, and God truly has used Lori to change my life. (Obviously,…

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The Proverb’s 31 Woman’s Servants

The Proverb’s 31 Woman’s Servants

“The Proverbs 31 Woman was a career woman! After all, she had servants and these servants watched her children so she could have a career. Besides, these servants are career women. There were absolutely career women back in biblical days!” Yes, the modern woman wants to justify having a career that keeps her away from home all day long, putting her children in day care, and working for a boss, so they scour God’s Word and make up women who…

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The Devil Hates Your Marriage

The Devil Hates Your Marriage

Written By John Michael Clark The devil hates your marriage. He uses lies and temptations and seeks to divide the two who have become one. This is why it’s so painful when a husband and wife are living under the influence of his lies. And one area in particular he attacks in marriage is sex. The devil wants everybody having sex except for a husband and a wife. And this gift that was made exclusively FOR marriage is celebrated everywhere…

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Esteem Him Higher Than Yourself

Esteem Him Higher Than Yourself

Many women do not like it when I teach them to not deprive their husbands sexually, but I will continue to do so since it’s biblical. “Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency” (1 Corinthians 7:5). Defraud means to “to withhold wrongfully from another what is due to him.” Incontinency means “lack…

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